
Are you a parent?

Do you want to foster a peaceful and ​nurturing environment for your ​child's growth?

Are you looking for support in ​navigating the complexities of ​parenting at any stage?

Look no further! Our Harmony Within ​Parenting Coaching Program is designed ​specifically for parents like you who want to ​confidently navigate each phase and build a st​rong, nurturing relationship with them​selves and their child.


Happy family with two teen kids

Does this sound familiar?

Here's what parents like you may be exper​iencing now:

Feeling overwhelmed ​and stressed by the ​challenges of ​parenting

Angry stubborn african mother and teen sitting back turned away

Struggling to effectively communicate with your child and maintain a strong parent-child connection

Angry dad scolding preschooler son having dispute at home

Dealing with conflicts and ​power struggles that arise ​during the phases of their​ development​

Mother Parent Having Arguments with Angry Disrespectful Teenage Daughter at Home

Experiencing a sense of disconnection or strain in your parent-child relationship

Angry mother scolding lazy teen daughter for bad school results

Wishing for tools and strategies ​to navigate each phase and p​romote your child's emotional w​ell-being

If you resonate with any of these challenges, you're not alone.

We understand the unique struggles that ​parents face and we're here to help you ​navigate through them.

Imagine how your life would change if:

You feel more confident and empowered as a parent, equipped with effective tools and strategies to handle parenting challenges with ease.

Your parent-child relationship is ​strengthened, fostering a deeper ​connection and understanding ​between you and your childr​en.

You experience more harmony and cooperation at home, as conflicts are effectively resolved and communication becomes smoother.

You witness your child's emotional well-being flourish, as they develop resilience, self-confidence, and a positive mindset.

You enjoy a more peaceful and fulfilling parenting journey, filled with moments of joy, growth, and mutual respect.

Through our transformative

coaching program,

you can achieve these remarkable ​changes and create a positive and ​thriving environment for both you and ​your childr​en.


Introducing our exclusive

4-Month Beta Coaching Program ​for parents:

Harmony Within: Harnessing Positive Intelligence for Peaceful Parenting

Where you will have the unique opportunity to be part of a select group of participants benefiting from this transformative journey of personal growth and parenting excellence.

Combining the power of Positive Intelligence and Peaceful Parenting, this program offers valuable insights, tools, and support tailored to your specific needs.

Mother with Teenage Daughter

Join us now and be among the first to experience the incredible impact of this beta program.


Your Coaches

joenesha hardman

Certified Parenting Coach

Laura rochelle ragin

Certified Life Coach

Our mission is to empower parents to cultivate harmonious and thriving relationships with their children through the integration of Positive Intelligence and Peaceful Parenting.

We are committed to supporting parents in developing their mental resilience, fostering emotional connection, and nurturing a peaceful and respectful parenting environment.

By combining the transformative power of Positive Intelligence's mindset and emotional regulation techniques with the empathetic and non-violent approach of Peaceful Parenting, we strive to equip parents with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to navigate the complexities of parenthood with grace, compassion, and unwavering dedication.

Happy family with two teen kids
Happy family with two teen kids

Our mission is to guide parents on a transformative journey, helping them unlock their full potential as individuals and create an environment where their children can flourish, thrive, and become confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals.

Together, we work towards building a future where families experience genuine joy, deep connections, and a shared sense of peace and fulfillment.


Our 4-Month Beta Coaching Program ​for parents includes:

Weekly Video Lessons

Gain access to engaging and informative video lessons that cover key topics such as Positive Intelligence, Peaceful Parenting, self-regulation, communication, and more.

Live Group Coaching Sessions

Participate in weekly virtual group coaching sessions where you can interact with our experienced coaches, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

Supportive Community

Join a vibrant community of like-minded parents who are also on this transformative journey. Share experiences, exchange insights, and receive support from others who understand your challenges.

Practical Exercises and Tools

Receive practical exercises and tools that you can immediately apply in your daily parenting interactions. These resources are designed to enhance your self-awareness, improve communication, and deepen your parent-child connection.

Ready to unlock your parenting potential?

Join our Parenting Coaching Program t​oday and embark on a transformative j​ourney with your child. Enroll now to s​ecure your spot and gain immediate a​ccess to our wealth of resources, expert g​uidance, and a supportive community.

Don't miss out on this exclusive limited ​opportunity to join our 4-Month ​discounted Beta Coaching Program.

For $50/week…

d​iscounted from $1125/month.


Kind words from our clients

As a former athlete, I've received various forms of mindset trainings throughout my life, but none of them ever really stuck with me.

Positive Intelligence, however, was different; it managed to break through where many other programs had failed. I learned how to become aware of my saboteurs and practiced small but impactful acts to keep my day positive and uplifting.

This program has been transformative, showing me how to become my own greatest supporter and live the fulfilling, sage-filled life that we were all meant to have from the start.

Ayanna Ajilore

Positive Intelligence Client

I literally think about you everyday when it comes to my children.

Our family has made so much progress. My son hasn't had behavior challenges at school in so long. Currently, we are working on establishing a stronger relationship of trust between each other so that my son feels comfortable being honest with me when he does have challenges at school. I have noticed how much easier it is for me to not be reactive when he does have behavior challenges and I am even praising him more for his honesty and able to better support him through the challenges.

I have also seen improvement in my self-care. For the sake of my wellbeing, mental health, and time management I ask for help more often when I need it and am less worried about being a burden to my family when I do. I also take more moments to myself and this has helped me be more present when I am with my children.

Overall, the transformation has been really good and I often remember our coaching sessions whenever I am dysregulated and am tempted to be reactive towards my children; I stop and think about how I can respond differently. I have found that it is getting easier to implement the strategies I've learned through coaching. My overall mental health and relationship with my children has improved and I can see how much my kids genuinely love how I intentionally engage and play with them more and enjoy time with them. I am so glad that I said yes to coaching and it has been one of the best decisions that I've made as a parent so far. I can't wait to see who else you help because it's unbelievable how helpful this has been for me and my family.


Parenting Coaching Client

Here are some frequently asked ​questions (FAQs) that parents may ​have regarding a parenting ​program :

What is a parenting coaching ​program, and how can it benefit me ​as a parent?

A parenting coaching program is a ​structured and supportive approach ​that provides parents with guidance, ​strategies, and resources to navigate ​the unique challenges and ​opportunities of parenting. It is led by ​experienced coaches who offer ​insights, knowledge, and practical tools ​to help parents enhance their ​parenting skills and build a strong, ​nurturing relationship with their child.

How long is the program, and what is the time commitment required?

The program is 4 months/ 16 weeks long with a built in break after the first 8 weeks.

How will the program help me ​address the unique challenges I ​face as a parent?

Our parenting coaching program ​specifically focuses on the challenges ​and needs of parents, offering tailored ​strategies and support. We help you ​address the unique challenges you face ​with:

  • Understanding Child Development ​and Neuroscience
  • Effective Communication ​Techniques
  • Managing Challenging Behaviors
  • Nurturing Independence
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Setting Expectations and ​Boundaries
  • Self-Care for Parents

Where can I see the exact program itinerary?

A: You can find it here.

Imagine the joy of connecting with yourself ​and your children on a deeper l​e​vel.

Let us embrace this opportunity to ​invest in ourselves as parents, and t​o gain the knowledge, support, and comm​unity that will empower us to be the best ​guides and role models for our ​children.

The time is now to make a lasting impact ​on their lives and create a foundation ​of love, understanding, and connection ​that will carry them through the ​challenges of life.

Unlock Your Parenting Potential: ​Join Our Parenting Coaching P​rogram Today!